The Simpsons - Creativedog Agency


Tembleke logo - Creativedog Agency


Packaging design for Tembleke sweets

The Overview

Tembleke is a big sweets factory in Argentina.

The challenge

The client needed a comprehensive packaging design, flowpack and communication of Tembleke sweets with The Simpsons’ license.

The solution

We have worked with Tembleke candy (Planeta Dulce) for several years now on the design and development of graphic pieces and communication.

The Simpson's License

  • Product packaging design
  • Product Flowpack design
  • Design and planning of product catalog
  • Advertisement banners
  • Photo editing
  • Design and digital marketing consultancy

In this particular occasion, we worked The Simpsons’ image in the design of a new product: packaging, flowpack, letters, advertising posters and several other pieces.

Shall we?

Reach out so we can help you deliver on your objectives. Just name it, we got it.